Hi, I'm a plastic surgeon-turned-entrepreneur, cash flow acceleration strategist and LeadPages Conversion Marketing Certified Consultant. My specialty is helping service-based entrepreneurs to rapidly boost their cash flow and profitability. That means they need to learn how to convert! While participating in a breakout session on high-converting landing page during the Converted 2016 Accelerator Workshop, I noticed a startling trend: All of the participants in the room had great-looking landing pages (thanks to LeadPages!). But for most of them, their pages weren't converting because their copy (headlines, bullet points, button copy, etc.) were based on what the business owner thought was interesting. But the only thing that matters is what your prospective buyer thinks is interesting. Clearly, there's more than meets the eye to creating high-converting landing pages! You need a pretty template, PLUS copy that converts. These experiences inspired me to create www.ConversionCopify.com to offer conversion copywriting for landing pages that lead to more signups and sales. MY FRUSTRATIONS WITH CONVERSIONS & PILGRIMAGE TO THE CONVERSION PROMISED LAND I starting working diligently on improving my conversion rates while participating in a marketing mastermind program led by Clay Collins, the co-founder of LeadPages. My sales from webinars were only converting at 3% at best. After getting input from Clay and testing and refining, I got my conversions up to 10-12%. But I more seriously set my mind on improving my conversion rates after developing a set of online business financial tools. After one particular webinar, we sold exactly zero programs. That's when I became "obsessed" with learning how to write compelling copy that converts. I've been a LeadPages user since before it was publicly available. For the most part, I studied to become a LeadPages Certified Conversion Marketing Consultant because I wanted to master conversion marketing for my business endeavors. But I also recognized a big gap in my clients' and colleagues' abilities to create landing pages that convert. I have a lot of fun troubleshooting landing pages because it calls on my visual eye that I honed as a plastic surgeon, and it challenges my skills as a trained "conversion copywriter" and business strategist. If you need expert help with your landing pages, check out the "Stellar Landing Page Optimization Makeover" service at: www.ConversionCopify.com. For free resourcess on rapid revenue acceleration, I invite you to go to: www.Freedompreneur.com